European Statistics Code of Practice


The European Statistics Code of Practice was adopted by the Statistical Programme Committee (SPC) of the European Union in February 2005, and its adoption was advised to Member States by the European Commission.

The CCES is a self-regulatory instrument whose fundamental purpose is to improve trust and confidence in the statistical authorities of Member States, Candidate Countries, EFTA Members and Eurostat by reinforcing their independence, integrity and accountability and to enhance the quality of European Statistics.

The 2017 version of the Code of Practice comprises the Quality Declaration of the European Statistical System and 16 Principles covering three main groups: Institutional Environment, Statistical Processes and Statistical Output. A set of 84 indicators of best practices and standards for each of the Principles provides the European references for the statistical activity. This 2017 edition is the second revision of the Code of Practice, which aims at reflecting the latest changes and innovations in the development, production and dissemination of official statistics in the European Statistical System and beyond, such as emerging new data sources, use of new technologies, modernization of the legal framework, and the results of the peer reviews on the implementation of the Code of Practice. The adoption of one more Principle in the context of coordination and cooperation (Principle 1-A) reinforces the area of the institutional environment.

The Principles of the Code of Practice together with the Quality Declaration provide the quality framework of the European Statistical System, a crucial instrument to ensure trust and credibility in European statistics.


In the scope of the actions designed to disseminate the European Statistics Code of Practice, entrusted to the Group of Producers of Official Statistics, which are part of the European Statistical System, it is now available the aforementioned European Statistics Code of Practice.
